
Just what is it that defines purpose within an individual? Is it the flutter of emotions and impulse we feel as we experience new found wealth? How about the beauty withheld in the silence of the universe as you kiss the one you hold, so dear to your heart? You think if we gathered those with enough knowledge of the world and placed them in a room with such a question, would they be able to come up with a reasonable and logical answer for us all to live by while still maintaining our overall happiness? I am curious to the answer. There are millions of interpretations and to each of its own they reside amongst the subconscious understanding of the human mind. Now you might ask yourself, how can I reach the level of understanding necessary to find my purpose? Well… the answer to that is held within each of us. I believe passion and purpose go hand-and-hand in relevance to destiny, for you to understand your purpose you must first isolate and acknowledge just what it is that you value within yourself. What skills do you possess that you believe could change the world? Allow your passion to be your driving force that propels you into the life others can only dream of. You must not fall victim to the illusions of life set forth by those who would smile in your face and call you friend, as they seal your doors shut with the mirage of a “secure future”. To truly appreciate one another we must not set upon each other limiting beliefs such as (without school there is no future) or (be realistic) in fact, being realistic is the most common form of mediocrity. So, I ask you… if you are a being who can grasp the very stars themselves but due to the commentary of another you reside amongst the lands, can you truly be happy and call that person (ken)? I believe purpose is defined the moment you stop accepting the circumstances to which you live and instead make a choice, just decide. What you’re going to do, how you’re going to do it, and most importantly set a reasonable time frame. This in turn will hold you accountable. A remarkable skill which will allow you to clap for yourself as you accomplish the steps necessary to propel yourself into the life you dreamt of… so long ago.

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