Down With The King Part: 2


The once self-proclaimed dreamer wakes up from his sleep as he gets dressed and goes to work. Heart full of sorrow and eyes drowning in hate. In the daily rush of random customers, he comes across a young man dressed in a suit; no older than 30. While helping him check out from the store the young man offers him a chance at a better life as he hands him a card with one word; Hope.  The instinct to throw it away was muffled by a strange sensation of possibility. The day goes by and the worker goes home at the end of yet another unfulfilling night. While checking his pockets he finds the card with the word hope on it and reluctantly calls the number on the back. Pondering through his mind is idea of a prank for through his eyes his life is over. The young man answers the phone and they begin to talk about day to day life. The worker is baffled as he hears the words job and opportunity. He has been chosen for an internship in the boy’s company and if he is willing, he must pack his bags and come to California. With eyes bursting with tears and a heart overwhelmed with thankfulness he packs his bags and leaves. this is in no way shape or form a common thing in life but sometimes when destiny is unanswered… it comes reaching out to you. Do not lose hope regardless of your age, life can take a turn at any moment all we must do is be ready, may fate choose to position its guiding hands our way I say unto you; take it.

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