Black And White World

Our childhood is judged by the act of obedience, the intellect of an individual is graded by their ability to receive an A on a piece of paper. We grow up in a society of harsh judgement, as if the skill to do as you are told can ever measure the magnitude of  one’s knowledge. If we are not obedient we are claimed to be special or “not up to par”. I cannot in a right mind say we have kept our principles in check with the idea of public education. We go to schools to be taught by teachers who do not care, we are handed a spreadsheet and told to figure it out ourselves. The world is lost due to the fact that 18 years of our life were devoted to measuring our ability to be like the crowd. Sit up straight, dress within the code, do what you’re told, and always show gratitude. The simulation of day to day life has left us with the idea that showing obedience is the only way to be successful or noticed in this world. It is through the independence of self-thinking that we can achieve immeasurable greatness. If you succumb to be like the crowd just as those looked at as the “elites”, you will find yourself in emotional turmoil as you try to configure your life in two alternate realities. Do your homework first and expand your knowledge later, reading books is for fun and those papers are your key; this is the prophecy as to how we are taught to be. Look around the world and open your mind, the truth behind the common man is a world full of lies. Smiles held wide while their eyes want to cry, you must see the world for what it is as you look up to the skies. You must look within yourself and make a choice every morning, live your life like the greats or reside amongst the obedient souls.

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