The Journey Within

Here today in the year 2017, the world has experienced more emotional turmoil than ever as we have arrived in the years known as the new age of technology. We have come a long way on our search for infinite wisdom and growth, yet nonetheless we have lost ourselves in the greed of knowledge. We live our lives as a façade, focused more on the worlds upkeep than our own. We wake up and work at a job we hate and throw blame to the world with the idea of unfairness or circumstances from a younger age. The fact of being singled out, bullied, not living up to expectations has left an unmeasurable burden on our pride. We must accept our past and focus on our future if we ever hope to achieve happiness in this life. We must lay waste to the idea of there being a select few “elites” who can achieve greatness, greatness is something we hold within ourselves. We were all put on this earth with a purpose and with that in mind we must stop confining ourselves in a jar of doubt, sealed away in the depths of our subconscious. I write these blogs to inspire you to follow your heart and to never leave a question unanswered on the pursuit of your lives journey.

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