Step Into Your Destiny

This life is a spiral of emotion, one day we can be the happiest person alive and the next we may wonder what has become of ourselves. It has never been known to give what is not earned and with that in mind how can we expect greatness if we succumb to every bit of negativity thrown our way? If you are in doubt… if someone is ruining your happiness and you feel as if your well-being is in question. Do yourself a favor and extinguish the flame they have burnt into the map you call life. You see when we were young we had all these ideas as to what we would want to do when we grew up. Some parents even encouraged us along the way… filling our minds with ideas such as becoming the president, a fire fighter or maybe even the idea of living amongst the stars as an astronaut. Yet as far-fetched as this may sound… as a child it was so much more than that, we took on the roles… created prophecies within the confines of our minds and even entered entirely different universes through what was looked at as imagination. Through sheer visualization we became what we dreamt of. Yet somewhere in life we lost sight of such a gift. Our minds became clouded with limiting beliefs known as “maturity”, get a real job or maybe even the dull… yet crushing feat of being told about reality through closed-minded eyes. We looked up to these people. Thought of them as heroes in our lives… they were the parents, the teachers, the coaches or the worst of them all – ourselves. I sit here today typing on this computer not to toss words into the winds of mediocrity but to re-ignite the embers of long lost dreams. We were not put here simply to work our lives away day-in and day-out at a 9 to 5 job. We have so much untapped potential and the only way to understand just how real and powerful this potential is… is to follow your heart. Whatever it is that you are passionate about… whatever it is that sets your heart on fire – follow it! I challenge you to gather whatever is left of such a gift and follow your passion. No matter what turns your life may take along this endeavor you must maintain the mentality of endless possibilities. Now as I’ve said before, there is no up without down, there is no left without right, there is no good without bad and there is no Yes without a couple of No’s. Perseverance and time holds the key to all quality excellence.

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